Welcome to Pardue's World
Period 7
Tuesday 1/15/19: Warm-up
Welcome Back - discuss material covered in second semester & keys to success
Notes: Why cells divide?/asexual vs. sexual reproduction (benefits, negatives & examples)
Mitosis Poster - finish in class
Thursday 1/17/19: Mitosis Review - Warm-up
Video Clip: Aphid cloning & ability to switch to sexual reproduction
Mitosis Notes
Mitosis Video
Fix posters if necessary (make needed corrections based on notes)
HMWK: Cell Division & Mitosis Wkst.
back is homework to be completed with website Virtual Lab: Cell Cycle & Cancer
Tuesday 1/22/19: Cell Cycle & Cancer Video - Amoeba sisters
Parts involved in cell division
Onion Root Tip - Online Lab Activity
Thursday 1/24/19: Collect homework
Mitosis Station Warm-up
Notes on Meiosis
Meiosis Video - Amoeba sisters
Monday 1/28/19: Late Start
Mitosis Lab
HMWK: Study for test - review sheet (remember the test is application of information learned)
Finish lab
Wednesday 1/30/19: Mitosis Slide Warm-up
Grade other class' mitosis poster
Cell Division Test
HMWK: Ratio homework
Friday 2/1/19: Office Hours
Go over Ratio Wkst.
Ratio Quiz
Probability Notes
Probability Lab
HMWK: Finish lab
Tuesday 2/5/19: Probability Warm-up
Discuss quiz
Notes on Mendel & Punnett Squares
Do I Understand the Notes? Wkst. - work on and go over
Thursday 2/7/19: Office Hours
Mendel Warm-up
HMWK: 1 Trait Punnett Squares
Monday 2/11/19: Late Start
3 Sample Punnett Squares Warm-up
Notes: Incomplete dominance & Dihybrid crosses
Show smurf problem
Packet of Punnett Squares w/ incomplete dominance & dihybrid crosses (spongebob)
HMWK: Finish packet
Wednesday 2/13/19: Recess Wednesday
Collect homework
Warm-up - Powerpoint Incomplete & Dihybrid Crosses
Punnett Square Group Problems (design 2 crosses as table group)
Pass back homework & check answers (posted)
Punnett Square Test Review Packet
HMWK: Finish packet
Tuesday 2/19/19: Finish packet & study for test
Punnett Square Test
Thursday 2/21/19: Office Hours
Cancer & the Cell Cycle Journal Project - due Thursday 3/7
Monday 2/25/19: Late Start
Discuss tests & hand back
Human Genetics scavenger hunt
Intro human genetics
Notes on pedigrees, population sampling & twin studies
Article & video on twins & parasitic twins
HMWK: Pedigree Wkst.
Wednesday 2/27/19:Ab Work on Cancer & Cell Cycle Journal Project with chromebooks
Friday 3/1/19: Office Hours
Collect homework
Pedigree Warm-up (quiz)
I'm My Own Grandpa
Notes on dom/rec traits
Discuss human traits lab
Notes on multiple alleles
HMWK: Blood Typing Punnett Square Wkst.
Tuesday 3/5/19: Overhead Review - pedigrees
Notes on polygenic, sex-linked & sex-influenced traits
Sex-linked punnett squares
Discuss genetics extra credit assignment
Genetic disorders (mutations - spider sis, parasitic twins, hypertrichosis, xeroderma pigmentosa, Max's story, no sweat
glands, progeria, congenital insensitivity to pain)
Thursday 3/7/19: Office Hours
Collect homework
Warm-up - Sex-linked pedigree & blood typing
Hand back homework & go over
Notes on nondisjunction
Pedigree Lab
HMWK: Pedigree Lab
Monday 3/11/19: Late Start
Collect homework
Warm-up: Calico Cats
Notes: detecting disorders (ultrasound)
Karyotype Lab
HMWK: Finish lab & study for test with review sheet
Wednesday 3/13/19: Test Review Powerpoint
Human Genetics Test
Friday 3/15/19: Discuss test
DNA Warm-up Intro (True/False)
Discovery of DNA History Webquest
Oswald Avery, McCarty and McLeod
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase - another one
James Watson and Francis Crick
Tuesday 3/19/19: Turn in homework
Turn in warm-up books
Pride and Joy Activity
HMWK: IF you didn't finish in class, do all questions & drawing of child to turn in next class
Thursday 3/21/19: Turn in Pride and Joy Activity
Go over test & hand back
1/2 slips of genetic discoveries for timeline - 20 minutes to look up on chromebook, make index cards
Hand back DNA webquest - go over & check answers
Put info on timeline - adding extra info (students stand and share)
History of DNA Quiz - 5 questions to finish timeline
Monday 3/25/19: Late Start
HHMI Video of Discovery of DNA showing Watson, Crick, Franklin & Wilkins
Warm-up - Case Studies in Genetics & Ethics (write individually, discuss as group, talk as class)
Notes on structure of DNA
Notes on DNA replication
Cool Down - Label the DNA
HMWK: Try the Replication Game
Wednesday 3/27/19: Make DNA
Friday 3/29/19: (Ab) Finish DNA
Turn in Extra Credit
Amoeba Sisters - DNA Structure
Amoeba Sisters - Replication
DNA Structure & Replication Review (quiz) - use notes & book
Tuesday 4/9/19: Warm-up - Utah Genetics
"What makes a firefly glow" Utah Genetics
Notes on Transcription (Transcription game)
Notes on Translation (Translation game)
Video: Understanding DNA on protein synthesis
Chapter 8 Quiz
HMWK: Practice with games Protein Synthesis game
Study for test - DNA review sheet
- watch this (3 min.) or this (5 min.)
Thursday 4/11/19: Notes - Mutation (mutagens, examples, germ cell vs. somatic cell)
Transcribe & Translate own DNA
Another picture of protein synthesis to label: Process # 1 Transcription
Process #2 Translation
N = mRNA
Z = codon
P = amino acid
Q = tRNA or anticodon
R = ribosome
X = codon
HMWK: Study for test next class (review sheet)
Finish DNA protein synthesis
Monday 4/15/19: Late Start
Turn in protein synthesis/time to study
DNA Test
Wednesday 4/17/19: Office Hours
Protein Synthesis District Performance Task
Friday 4/19/19: Office Hours
Work on Reflection Questions
Tuesday 4/23/19: Office Hours
Discuss movie
Discuss test & pass back
Article on GMO’s: http://web.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/publicat/hgn/v12n1/07gmorgs.shtml
Countries with Biotech Crops: http://www.isaaa.org/resources/publications/briefs/44/executivesummary/
Questions 5, 6 & 7: https://connectusfund.org/27-big-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-genetically-modified-foods
How are GM organisms (plants) made: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/image_maps/62-making-a-transgenic-plant
Pesticide-Resistant Crops: http://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2015/gmos-and-pesticides/
#5 Potential Problems: http://listverse.com/2013/06/22/10-problems-genetically-modified-foods-are-already-causing/
Medicine: http://genetics.thetech.org/about-genetics/making-medicines
Organisms currently being researched: https://www.seeker.com/top-10-genetically-engineered-crops-1766270750.html
Cloning: www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/animals/areas-research/animal-cloning/
Thursday 4/25/19: Collect Webquest
Real or Fake Warm-up
Biotechnology Intro. Powerpoint & Learn Genetics - GMO's
Fill in chart with Applied Genetics packet & discuss in groups
Go over chart with class as beginning of notes w/ super cow clip
Notes to finish on PCR & Recombinant DNA (powerpoint)
Closure - check for understanding (excited about, questioning & want to know more about) - answer 1-6 pg. 279
Monday 4/29/19: Late Start
GMO - Genetics Symposium (design a new organism)
Wednesday 4/30/19: Watch 9 genetically modified organisms
Time to work on new organisms
Hand back papers and discuss grades
Friday 5/2/19: Office Hours
Collect Genetics Symposium Organism Proposal
Biotechnology Quest - use book & notes
Tuesday 5/7/19: Warm-up: Evolution Free Write
Abiogenesis vs. Biogenesis Chart with Redi, Needham, Spallanzani & Pasteur -- fill in using chart
Video: "Nova: Origins of Life" with video questions
HMWK: Finish video questions for extra credit
Thursday 5/9/19: Office Hours
Turn in video questions
Hand back & discuss chart
Notes: Macro vs. Microevolution powerpoint
(including order events & most interesting fossils found)
HMWK: 5 major extinction events - bring in completed next class
Monday 5/13/19: Late Start
Turn in extinction events
Geological Timescale Warm-up
Evolution Station Lab - visit 4 stations & answer questions about evidences of evolution
HMWK: Study for quiz on evidences of evolution lab (if you did the lab you will be fine)
Wednesday 5/15/19: Late Start
Evidence of Evolution Quiz
Nova: Evolution & Lice
Warm-up: What did lice tell us about our evolution & how?
Go over quiz & lab (using nova videos: biogeography, guess the embryo, DNA - facts of evolution the molecules of
Confused... watch this
Friday 5/17/19: Office Hours
Warm-up: Evidences of Evolution
Who's On First Relative dating activity (30 minutes) - turn in
Fossil dating video - absolute dating (how 1/2 lives work)
Explain how to do math to figure out half-lives
Twizzlers Half-Life Activity
2 practice 1/2 life problems
HMWK: Finish lab questions if necessary
Tuesday 5/21/19: 1/2 Life Warm-up
Lamarck & Darwin Notes (powerpoint)
Darwin videos
Battle at Kruger Video
Darwin Awards
Thursday 5/23/19: Warm-up: Natural Selection Cartoon Powerpoint & Amoeba Sisters Natural Selection 1/2 sheet
Intro. Lab - Bird Beak Natural Selection
HMWK: Finish lab if you didn't in class
Tuesday 5/28/19:
Warm-up: Adaptations & 1/2 life
Notes: Mechanisms of Evolution
Amoeba sisters - Genetic Drift
HMWK: Speciation through isolation wkst.
Thursday 5/30/19: Warm-up Skittles
Microevolution Video w/ Questions
Skittles Genetic Drift Lab