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Periods 3 & 5



Wednesday 1/17/18:  Collect break assignment

                                   What do you remember?  Ch. 18-20 Warm-up #25 - work on for 15 minutes

                                   Go over answers with animations from book & hippocampus

                                   Biotech - check out these animations & take these quizzes



                                   HMWK:  Hand out Ch. 22-24 & 26 Vocabulary - due next Tuesday (NOT TYPED - written or flashcards)

                                                  Quiz next Tuesday over vocabulary

                                                  Print out the Ch. 22 note outline for tomorrow

                                                  BE READING CHAPTER 22

Friday 1/19/18:   Rally Schedule

                           Warm-up #26 (What do you know about Darwin?)

                           Ch. 22 Notes (w/ Darwin videos & supercow)

                           Battle at Kruger Video

                           Darwin Awards

                           HMWK:  Finish Vocabulary & be ready for quiz next class

                                         Print out Ch. 23 Note outline for next class

Tuesday 1/23/18:  Collect Vocabulary

                              Ch. 22-25 Vocabulary Quiz

                              Finish Ch. 22 Notes - Evidences of Evolution

                              Warm-up (Cool Down) #27 (Chapter 22 Self Quiz) - finish & go over

                              HMWK:  Print out Ch. 23 Note outline if you have not yet done so

                                             Be reading Ch. 23

Thursday 1/25/18:  Intro. Ch. 23 - Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

                               Teddy Graham Hardy-Weinberg Activity - finish & turn in

                               Finish notes on Ch. 23 

                               HMWK:  Modes of Natural Selection - Do you understand them?

                                             Chapter 24 Note Outline - print out

Monday 1/29/18:  Late Start

                             Warm-up #28 (Hardy-Weinberg problems & natural selection scenario)

                             Go over the warm-up

                             Ch. 24 Notes (powerpoint)

                             HMWK:  Have you read Ch. 22-24????

Wednesday 1/31/18:  Evo Bio Parody Video

                                   Chapter 23 & 24 Review Questions

                                   Check answers - Hardy- Weinberg questions

                                   HMWK:  Print out Lab 8 - Population Genetics 

                                                 Explain the objectives on the answer sheet & READ THE LAB (be ready & know what you will be doing)

Friday 2/2/18:  Go over answers from review - natural selection questions & #13

                        Lab 8 - collect data (lab due Thursday 2/8)

                        HMWK:  Study for test next class  - use this site for practice tests/quizzes on the chapters


Tuesday 2/6/18:  Ch. 22-25 Test

                            HMWK:  Lab due next class

Thursday 2/8/18:  Collect lab

                             Discuss test

                             Warm-up #30

                             Discuss essay questions 1999 about domains

                             What is Ch. 26?

                             Intro. Ch. 27 - Prokaryote Notes - use on quiz next class

                             HMWK:  Read Ch. 27

                                            Need Ch. 27 note outline for next class

                                            Baby Project - Month 6 due 2/22/18

Monday 2/12/18:  Late Start

                             Warm-up #31 - Bacteria Quiz

                             Bacteria or Virus?  - Can you Guess? powerpoint

                             Ch. 27 Notes w/ hippocampus

                             Hand out Packet O Fun

                             HMWK:  NEED CH. 28 NOTE OUTLINE FOR NEXT CLASS!!!

                                           Have you read Ch. 27?

Wednesday 2/14/18:  Show The Coming Plague - discovery of penicillin & discuss HAI's

                                   Warm-up #32 - Bacteria Review

                                   Intro. Protists - Bozeman Biology Protists & Endosymbiotic Theory

                                   Protista Review on note outline - finish in class

                                   HMWK:  Read pg. 575-577

Tuesday 2/20/18:  Hand back Protista Note outlines 

                              Protista Animation (hippocampus) - can add to notes

                              Warm-up #33 - Protista Quiz

                              Hand out Fungi note outline

                              Fungi Notes

                              Video:  The Rotten World Among Us

                              HMWK:  Month 6 Baby Project

                                             Watch the following videos:  Archae




                                              Parade thru the Kingdoms (packet o fun) due Monday

Thursday 2/22/18:  Discuss problems with bacteria quiz

                               Protista Powerpoint to review

                               Parasitic Fungus Powerpoint

                               Introduce Cladograms & Phylogenetics on Hippocampus

                               Cladogram Activity/Lab - due end of period

                               HMWK:  Study for test - Test Review & Test Review Answers

                                             Finish Parade thru Kingdoms

                                             Video:  Cladograms


Monday 2/26/18:  Late Start

                             Collect Parade thru Kingdom

                             Classification/Kingdoms Test

Wednesday 2/28/18:  Warm-up #34

                                  Ch. 29 & 30 outline with powerpoint

                                  Plant Packet - hand out & discuss

                                  HMWK:  Bring Plant Packet every day - finish Ch. 35 questions

Friday 3/2/18:  Discuss packet expectations

                        Roots, Stems & Leaves Microscope Activity

                        HMWK:  Finish Ch. 36 questions in packet for next class

Tuesday 3/6/18:  Discuss test short answers

                            Warm-up #35

                            Notes on Ch. 35 & 36 w/ animations

                            Test scores back

                             HMWK:  Finish Ch. 37 questions in packet for next class

Thursday 3/8/18:  Warm-up #36

                             Silently read procedure

                             Transpiration Lab

                             HMWK:   Finish lab (answer questions & graph sample data)

                                             You can start Ch. 38 in packet if you are feeling it

Monday 3/12/18:  Late Start

                             Transpiration Review (powerpoint)

                             Free-Response (choice of 2) - 22 minutes

                             Give free-response to another student & grade w/ rubric (#3 4.54 mean #4 3.98 mean)

                             Notes:  Ch. 37 w/animation of cation exchange (book), soil (hippocampus) & root nodule (link)

                             Animation of most amazing carnivorous plants

                             HMWK:  Finish Ch. 38 for next class

                                           Print out & complete Plant Reproduction Questions for next class

Wednesday 3/14/18:  Modified Schedule

                                   Collect homework

                                   Plant Structure & Transport Review - work individually & then together before turning in

                                   Notes on Ch. 38 - Plant Reproduction w/ cones & hippocampus animation & book animations

                                   "Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind" movie

                                   HMWK:  Finish Ch. 39 Questions

                                                 Read Flower & Fly Article & answer questions for next class (only print out questions - last two pages)

Friday 3/16/18:  Collect article questions

                          Warm-up #37

                          Discuss using fruit powerpoint

                          Notes Ch. 39 - hormones, tropisms, etc. using animations from book & hippocampus

                          HMWK:  Study for test & finish plant packet up

                                                   Practice test

                                                   Answers to practice test

Tuesday 3/20/18:  Collect Plant Packet

                              Plant Test

Thursday 3/22/18:  Hand out Animal Overviews - Invertebrate & Vertebrate Comparison Charts

                               Intro.  Animals powerpoint

                               Notes on Invertebrates to fill in chart

                               Discuss Spring Break Assignment

                                        Animal Take-home Test

                                        Human Body 

SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 4/9/18:  Late Start

                           Collect work

                           Warm-up - Body Systems Intro. to Human Body

                           Notes Ch. 42 (powerpoint) - fill in note outline

                           Hand out calendar of review sessions & discuss

                           HMWK:  Finish Respiration section in note outline & read Ch. 42

                                          Quiz next class over Ch. 42

Wednesday 4/11/18:(Ab)  Ch. 42 (Circ. & Respiration) Warm-up Quiz

                                          Circulation & Respiration Animations

                                          Immunity Questions (due next class)

                                          HMWK:  Print out Ch. 43 note outline

Friday 4/13/18:(Ab)  Turn in Immunity Questions

                                 Lab 10 - collect data

                                 HMWK:  Finish lab questions

                                               Bring in Ch. 43 note outline

Tuesday 4/17/18:  Immunity Notes

                             Immunity Video (add to notes)

                             Discuss lab w/ CD & re-introduce lab bench

                             HMWK:  Make sure Lab 10 is complete for next class - GO THROUGH LAB BENCH ON IT

                                            Watch animation:  Humoral & cell-mediated immunity & add to notes

                                            Go to Bozeman & Crash Course Biology websites & answer questions after watching immunity videos

                                            COLLECTING LAB COMPLETED & THE VIDEO QUESTIONS NEXT CLASS


                                                     ABSENT TODAY)

Thursday 4/19/18:  Immunity Warm-up (Holes)

                               Immunity Quiz & turn in video questions

                               HMWK:  Start filling in Endocrine Note Outline

Monday 4/23/18:  Minimum Day

                             Endocrine Notes

                             Fill in hormone functions & organs affected under each endocrine gland


Wednesday 4/25/18:  Words to Know #2

                                   Get essays & discuss when they are do

                                   Endocrine Quiz - 3 case studies (use note outline on it)

                                   AP Pre-Registration

                                   HMWK:  Start those essays or lab bench

Friday 4/27/18:  Grid in Warm-up - Genetics only (25 min.)

                          Go over anwers

                          Time to study lab bench, work on essays, etc.

Tuesday 5/1/18:  Words to Know #7  & 5 More Grid-in Questions 

                            Go over answers

                            Discuss/show what second 1/2 of test looks like (difference between long & short free-response) & timing

                            Time to study lab bench, work on essays, etc.

                             HMWK:  Lab bench quiz next class - be reviewing those

                                           Check out this Bozeman Review

Thursday 5/3/18:  Words to Know

                             Lab Bench Quiz


Ecology Review Night:  Ecology Powerpoint

                                      Ecology Note Outline

Monday 5/7/18:  Late Start

                           Grid in Practice

                           Time to study/write essays

                           HMWK:  Bozeman Bio Videos on AP Practices

Wednesday 5/9/18:  Grid in Practice #2

                                 Letter to students to discuss test

                                 Go over lab bench quiz


Friday 5/11/18:(Ab)  Time to study/write essays

MONDAY 5/14/18:  AP BIOLOGY TEST 7:15 a.m.

Human Body Test - Wednesday 5/30




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