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Periods 3 & 5

Wednesday 8/16/17:  C Day

                                   Slogan & "RITE" discussion

Thursday 8/17/17:  C Day

                               Intro 2-5 & 8 Test

Friday 8/18/17:  Lab Safety 

                          Discuss website

                          Remind invite


                          Handbook & AP Biology Redesign

                          HMWK:  Get handbook and lab safety signed

                                         Need Ch. 5 note outline for Tuesday

                                         Do you know the functional groups?  Functional Groups

                                         Watch the following video on water:  Water in Space

                                         Supplies needed:  binder, pack of lined paper, 5 dividers & composition notebook with graph paper only


Tuesday 8/22/17:  Collect any signed forms

                              Seating Chart

                              Warm-up #1 (Scientific Method) & #2 (Functional Groups)

                              Chapter 5 Notes (animations of carbs, lipids & protein)

                              Hand out Packet O Fun 

                              HMWK:  Read this article:  The Rise and Fall of Crisco

                                             Macromolecule Quiz next class (know the monomer, bond, an example and function for each

                                             Need Ch. 8 note outline for next class

                                             NEED LAB NOTEBOOK


Thursday 8/24/17:   Warm-up #3

                                Hippocampus of Macromolecules

                                Macromolecule Quiz

                                Notes on primary, secondary, tertiary & quaternary structure of proteins w/ paper model

                                Notes - Ch. 8 w/ hippocampus to introduce enzymes

                                Hand out & work on Packet O' Fun 

                                HMWK:  Need help with macromolecules?  Biomolecules

                                               Work on Packet O' Fun (due on test day - next Wednesday)

                                               NEED LAB NOTEBOOK

Monday 8/28/17:  Minimum Day  

                             Warm-up #4 on enzymes (graph & explanation turn in)

                             Ch. 8 Notes to finish enzymes (pH, temp, inhibitors, etc.) w/ visuals (hippocampus)

                             HMWK:  Intro Pre-lab for Lab 2 Enzymes (print out lab & do the pre-lab in your lab notebook - due no later than Thursday)

                                           Use these helpful pre-lab instructions  (you may also refer to your handbook for assistance)

                                           Study for test:  Multiple Choice practice

                                                                   Multiple Choice answers


Wednesday 8/30/17:  Collect Packet O Fun & hand back quizzes

                                   Chapter 2-5 & 8 Test

                                   Work on Pre-lab - due by tomorrow (Thursday 8/31) or can't participate in lab on Friday

Friday 9/1/17:  Pre-lab Quiz (Warm-up #5)

                        Lab 2 - Enzyme Catalysis

                        HMWK:  DO NOT FINISH WRITING UP LAB YET

                                      Start reading Ch. 6

                                      Need Ch. 6 Note Outline for next class

Wednesday 9/6/17:  Warm-up #6

                                  Endomembrane System Explanation

                                  Hippocampus Animation - prokaryote vs. eukaryote, surface area to volume ratio issues, cell theory

                                  Notes on Ch. 6 up to Chloroplasts & Mitochondria

                                  Handout Ch. 6 & 7 Packet O' Fun

                                  Time to work on packet

                                  HMWK:  Study cell parts for quiz on Friday (Bozeman on cells)

                                                Finish reading Ch. 6

                                                Watch Mitochondrial Disorders

                                                Bring lab notebook for class on Friday   


Friday 9/8/17:  Warm-up #7

                        Finish Ch. 6 Notes w/ animation of cilia, gap junctions, desmosomes & tight junctions from book

                        Cell Animation (plant and animal)

                        Handout helpful lab write-up hints w/ sample data & discuss lab

                        Cell Video or time to study or work on lab

                        Cell Quiz with pictures

                        HMWK:  Read 7.1, 7.2 & 7.3

                                      Need Ch. 7 Note Outline for next class

                                      Lab write-up due next Thursday


Tuesday 9/12/17:  Quizzes - go over

                              Warm-up #8

                              Ch. 7 Notes w/ visuals (passive transport & cell membrane only)

                              Video:  Understanding the Cell Membrane Part 1

                              Hand back & go over tests

                              HMWK:  Finish lab write-up (due next class)

                                            Check out review of cell membrane

                                            Go to this website & review concepts of diffusion & osmosis (water potential, etc.)  Diffusion & Osmosis

                                             Read active transport (rest of Ch. 7)           

Thursday 9/14/17:  Warm-up #9 (pics of transport in groups with add-on about osmotic potential & enzymes --- present)

                               Ch. 7 Notes on active transport with animations

                               Hippocampus: Review of transports

                               AP Cell Parts Review (1/2 sheet) - if time

                               HMWK:  Work on Packet O Fun (due next class)

                                              Check out this site to get a visual of the types of transport:  Animations of transport

                                              Do you understand water potential?  Water Potential Powerpoint

                                                                                                         Water Potential Questions & Answers

                                              Study for test  Chapter 6 & 7 Practice Multiple Choice


Monday 9/18/17:  Late Start

                             Collect Ch. 6 & 7 Packet O' Fun

                             Time to study

                             Chapter 6 & 7 Test

Wednesday 9/20/17:  Rally Schedule

                                   Discuss & introduce baby project (get partner) Month 1

                                                                                                             Month 2

                                               (Helpful baby project link)

                                   Watch Cellular Respiration Video

                                   Hand out Chapter 9 Vocabulary & Questions (due next class) - ONLY WRITTEN - NOT TYPED

                                   Time to work on questions or baby project

                                   HMWK:  Finish Chapter 9 Vocab & Questions

                                                 READ CHAPTER 9 (sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 & 9.4)

                                                 Print out Ch. 9 Note Outline for next class

Friday9/22/17:  Warm-up #10 - Chapter 9 Quiz #1

                         Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration Notes

                         HMWK:  Have you read the sections suggested above?

                                       Cell Respiration Virtual Lab

Tuesday 9/26/17:  Collect homework

                              Warm-up #11

                              Picture to fill in - cellular respiration

                              Cell Respiration Animation

                              Cell Respiration Video

                              Fermentation Notes

                              Fermentation Video

                              HMWK:  Can you write an essay using these words?  

                                             Go to link:  Cyanide Case Study and complete questions

Thursday 9/28/17:(Ab)  Collect homework

                                      Warm-up #12 

                                      More Ch. 9 Questions - due next class

                                      HMWK:  Finish questions

Monday 10/2/17:  Late Start

                             Collect homework

                             Warm-up #13 - Thinking Critically (write silently for 20 minutes)

                             Collect & discuss

                             Notes on light & light reactions w/ animations

                             HMWK:  Read Sections 10.2, 10.3 & 10.4

                                            Watch light reaction animation

Wednesday 10/4/17:  Discuss test corrections

                                   Show my drawing of light reaction

                                   Animation - hippocampus

                                   Notes - Calvin Cycle

                                     (my drawing of calvin cycle)

                                   Animation - hippocampus

                                   Warm-up #14 - 30 minutes

                                   Photosynthesis Bioflix

                                   Notes - C3, C4 & CAM

                                   HMWK:   Watch Calvin cycle animation

                                                  Print out Lab 4 - Photosynthesis  - found in lab section of this website

                                                                                      (explain the 5 objectives on a separate piece of lined paper as you would for a lab write-up

                                                                                       & staple to the printed out lab) - IF YOU DON'T HAVE THIS - YOU WILL HAVE TO COME IN ON

                                                                                       YOUR OWN TIME TO COMPLETE THE LAB

Friday 10/6/17:  Turn in lab objectives

                          C4 vs. C3 vs. CAM photosynthesis free response (22 min)

                          Laboratory 4 - computer simulation

                          Posters to study - Practice tests with answers to study - write practice essays - hand out work

                          HMWK:  Study for test - Ch. 9 & 10 practice test

                                                                 Ch. 9 & 10 practice test answers

                                                                 Look at practice essays and write some

Tuesday 10/10/17:  Time to study for test

                                Chapter 9 & 10 Test

Wednesday 10/11/17:  College Kick-off Day (minimum day)


Friday 10/13/17:  Continue to collect data on Lab 4

                            Work on Cellular Communications (Chapter 11 info) - due end of period

                            HMWK:  Lab 4 due next class - finish analysis questions on same paper w/ objectives

                                                                              graph results from 4B (one graph w/ 5 lines on separate graph paper)

                                          Staple the following together:  printed out lab w/ data

                                                                                          lined paper w/ objectives & analysis questions

                                                                                          graph of 4B results

                                          Quiz next class on lab & cellular communication (if you are having trouble understanding the lab - Photosynthesis Lab)

                                          Print out Ch. 12 note outline for next class & READ Ch. 12

                                          Notebook check w/ completed baby project (month 1 & month 2) due next class

Tuesday 10/17/17:  Collect lab & notebooks

                                Photosynthesis Lab Quiz w/ cellular communications questions

                                Discuss test essay question

                                Mitosis Notes w/ pics on board

                                Mitosis animation & cytokinesis (hippocampus)

                                Mitosis Video

                                Add to pic on board

                                Discussion of regulation of G0 phase

                                Hippocampus animation of G0

                                HMWK:  Read Cancer & Cell Division

                                               Print out Ch. 13 note outline for next class

                                               Need help:  Mitosis Tutorial

Thursday 10/19/17:   Add kinetechore & nonkinetechore fibers to pics on board

                                 Mitosis Free-Response - figure out scores

                                 Mitosis Bioflix

                                 Meiosis Notes w/ hippocampus

                                 Meiosis Video

                                 Mitosis vs. Meiosis drawings - due next class

                                 HMWK:  Finish drawings

                                               Print out Ch. 14 note outline

Monday 10/23/17:  Late Start

                               Collect drawings

                               Meiosis Bioflix

                               Chapter 14 Notes

                               Ch. 14 Genetics Problems

                               HMWK:  Finish Genetics Problems (due next class)

Wednesday 10/25/17:  Collect Problems

                                     Warm-up #15

                                     Baby Project - go over (Month 3 due 11/14)

                                     Hand back & go over Ch. 14 Genetics Problems

                                     HMWK:  Try the More Ch. 14 Problems

                                                              the answers

                                                    Print out the Ch. 15 note outline

Friday 10/27/17:  Warm-up #16 - work on quietly & go over (30 min)

                            Finish Ch. 14 Notes

                            HMWK:  Start outlining Ch. 15 notes (can print out above) through nondisjunction (pg. 296) for quiz next class  

Tuesday 10/31/17:(Ab)  Warm-up #17 - quiz using Ch. 15 notes

                                       Ch. 15 genetics problems - due Tuesday 11/7

Wednesday 11/1/17:  Senior Culminating Projects

Friday 11/3/17:  Hand out Packet O' Fun

                          Notes - Ch. 15

                          Discuss test corrections

                          Finish Ch. 15 Genetics Problems

                          HMWK:  Finish problems

                                        READ CH. 15 IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY!!! 


Tuesday 11/7/17:  Collect Ch. 15 Problems

                             Warm-up #18

                             Go over problems

                             Finish Ch. 15 Notes

                             Genetics Timeline - fill in timeline with scientists, their experiment & conclusions  

                             HMWK:  Finish Genetics Timeline

                                           Study for Ch. 14 & 15 Genetics Problems Quiz


Thursday 11/9/17:  Collect Genetics Timeline

                               Ch. 14 & 15 Genetics Problems Quiz

                               Discuss timeline

                               HMWK:  Print out the Chapter 16 Note outline for next class

                                             Read Chapter 16 - pages 305-319 & be familiar with structure of DNA

                                             Check out these animations:  DNA Structure

                                                                                             DNA Bozeman - best one



Friday 11/10/17:  NO SCHOOL - VETERANS DAY 

Tuesday 11/14/17:  Discuss Genetics Timeline - powerpoint (W.U #19)

                               Notes on DNA Structure & basics of replication

                               Notes on replication - with animations (& hippocampus)

                                     If you are struggling:  Read Section 16.3 & watch this animation:  Replication

                               Review protein synthesis in CP Biology book (outline)

                               HMWK:  Read Ch. 17

                                             Print out the Chapter 17 note outline & bring to class

                                             Do you know the function of the enzymes involved in replication:  helicase, primase, topoisomerase, single-strand binding

                                                proteins, DNA ligase, DNA polymerase

Thursday 11/16/17:  Replication Warm-up (#20)

                                 Hand back Genetics Problems Quiz & go over

                                 Construction Paper Puppet Show for protein synthesis

                                 Chapter 17 notes w/ animation & hippocampus

                                 DISCUSS THANKSGIVING BREAK ASSIGNMENT

                                                                 Lab 7 - Genetics of Organisms

                                                                 Statistical Analysis Section

                                 Watch this animation multiple times to review the process & enzymes involved:  Protein Synthesis



Monday 11/27/17:  Late Start

                               Turn in Lab 7 w/ statistical analysis

                               Warm-up #21 - Review of Replication & Protein Synthesis

                                     attach picture of protein synthesis to label

                               Go over warm-up with Words to Know - Replication & Protein Synthesis

                               Protein Synthesis Puzzle (answers)

                               Time to work on Packet O Fun

                               HMWK:  Test next class - watch those animations

                                              Packet O Fun due next class     

                                              Practice test

                                              Answers to practice test


Wednesday 11/29/17:   Collect Packet O Fun



Friday 12/1/17:  Go over Chi square test & work on problems as class

                          "Life Story" movie

                           HMWK:  Practice Chi Square with these problems


Tuesday 12/5/17:  Finish movie

                              Questions about "Life Story - Race for the Double Helix"

                                         (If you were absent for part of the movie:  Watch the Ted Talk with Watson, print out these questions and answer them)

                              Chi Square grid in example 

                              HMWK:  Practice Chi Square problems from Friday's homework       


Thursday 12/7/17:  Mitosis/Meiosis Lab

                                           Lab Instructions

                                           Do you need assistance/explanation?  Lab Bench 

                               HMWK:  Virus & Bacteria Questions - due Thursday

                                              Quiz next class


Tuesday 12/12/17:  Collect Lab

                                Lab Quiz

                                HMWK:  Virus & Bacteria Questions - due next class

                                               Final Review Sheet

Thursday 12/14/17:  Collect Questions

                                 Warm-up #23 - Viruses vs. Bacteria

                                 Virus Notes

                                 Discuss test & quiz

                                 Discuss baby project - month 3

                                 HMWK:  Study for final - Final Review Sheet

                                                Baby Project Month 4 - due day of finals


Monday 12/18/17:  

Friday 9/21/18:(Ab)  Office Hours

                                Warm-up #10 - Chapter 9 Quiz #1

                                Hand out Chapter 9 Vocabulary & Questions (due next class) - ONLY WRITTEN - NOT TYPED

                                Time to work on questions or baby project

                                HMWK:  Finish Chapter 9 Vocab & Questions


Tuesday 9/25/18:


Most Recent Agenda
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