Welcome to Pardue's World
Periods 2, 4 & 6
Wednesday 8/14/19: C Day
Intro to MV & Assembly
Thursday 8/15/19: C Day
Thinking like a Scientist
Monday 8/19/19: Late Start
Go over syllabus (get signed)
Pet Peeves
Lab Safety - Lab Guidelines (get signed)
Fun Facts
HMWK: Signed lab safety (guidelines)
Signed syllabus
Finish scavenger hunt
Wednesday 8/21/19: Collect homework & signed forms
Seating Chart
Warm-up: Is it Alive?
Characteristics of Life Notes
Levels of Organization Powerpoint - notes
Living or Non...That is the Question Activity
Discuss specimens (powerpoint)
HMWK: Finish Living vs. Non activity if you didn't in class
Get forms signed if not done already
Friday 8/23/19: Office Hour Schedule
Collect signed forms
Warm-up: Overhead Review of Characteristics of Life & discuss lab L/NL/D
Discuss scavenger hunt & mistakes/Success in Bio
Seating Chart
Scientific Method Notes
Scientific Method Activity - Gummi Bears & The Scientific Method
HMWK: Finish Gummi Bear lab (due Monday)
Study for quiz (next class) on characteristics of life, levels of organization & scientific method
Tuesday 8/27/19: Turn in lab & any signed forms
Warm-up: Simpsons Scientific Method Review
Time to discuss as lab groups & study notes
Microscope Notes
Thursday 8/29/19:(Ab) Office Hours
Warm-up: Scientific Method & Microscope - printed
Microscope Lab
HMWK: Finish lab questions if you didn't in class
Study for test on Thursday
Tuesday 9/3/19: Warm-up: Microscope picture & graphing errors powerpoint
Being a Scientist: Graphing Activity
Being a Scientist: C.E.R. Activity
HMWK: Finish C.E.R. on viruses if you didn't in class
Study Microscope Parts
Study for test next class
Monday 9/9/19: Late Start
Turn in Microscope Lab
Time to study & ask questions
Chapter 1 Test
HMWK: Introduction to Ecology Wkst.
Wednesday 9/11/19: 9/11 Assembly Schedule
Warm-up: Living Relying on Nonliving
Discuss test & hand tests back
Introduction to Ecology Notes - powerpoint
HMWK: Finish research on chaparral biome on Ecological Survey - if didn't in class
Friday 9/13/19: Office Hours
Collect Survey
Discuss Ecological Survey - what is the chaparral biome
Warm-up: 1/2 sheet using a food web
Notes: heterotroph, autotroph, food chains, food webs
Coral Reef Ecosystem Activity - assigned an organism, do research in class, make notecard for next class
Tuesday 9/17/19: Warm-up: Read article about 10% rule, take notes & answer questions
Called up to put your organism (notecard) on the food web (front of class)
Discuss food web (what is missing, what can happen if disrupted)
Answer conclusion questions regarding the food web
Notes: Energy Pyramids
Energy Transfer Analysis Activity
HMWK: Finish Activity if didn't in class
Thursday 9/18/19: Office Hours
Warm-up: Chapter 13 Review w/ ecological pyramid
Amoeba sisters Video Food Webs
Cycle Jigsaw - (Intro. - get into expert groups & home groups)
HMWK: Study cycles for quiz: Water & Carbon Cycles
Monday 9/23/19: Late Start & Rally
Cycles Video on computer - add to notes
Biogeochemical Cycles Quiz
Notes Ch. 14
Wednesday 9/25/19: Discuss extra credit opportunity
Warm-up (T/F on cycles, types of symbiosis)
Notes - Ch. 14 - growth, carrying capacity
Rabbits, Rabbits, and More Rabbits: Logistic Growth in Animal Populations
Friday 9/27/19: Warm-up: Logistic Growth
Quizzes back & fix for more points
Behavior Activity
HMWK: Study for test
Tuesday 10/1/19: Finish Behavior Activity - gallery walk
Time to ask questions
Ecology Test
Thursday 10/3/19: DHMO Warm-up
Discuss DHMO & show penn & teller DHMO video
HMWK: Water Review
Monday 10/7/19: Late Start
Collect homework
Water Notes
Acid/Base Notes (powerpoint)
Crash Course Video: Global Carbon Cycle
Our Acidifying Ocean - Work on Part 1 & Part 2
Link: Our Acidifying Ocean
or: new link
HMWK: Finish Part 2 for homework
Wednesday 10/9/19: Discuss lab and what was going on
Get a chromebook & finish Part 3 of virtual lab (demonstrate for class how to measure)
Discuss the lab results (powerpoint)
HMWK: Macromolecule Introduction
Friday 10/11/19: Office Hours
Collect homework
Warm-up - Macromolecules
Begin Macromolecule Notes - Carbs & Lipids
Macromolecule Pamphlet - start working on using chromebooks
Tuesday 10/15/19: Finish notes - Proteins & Nucleic Acids
Finish working on Pamphlet
HMWK: Macromolecule Pamphlet due next week 10/22
Wednesday 10/16/19: College & Career Kickoff
Friday 10/18/19: Rally Schedule
Macromolecule Cut-out Activity
HMWK: Finish pamphlet
Tuesday 10/22/19:
Collect macromolecule cut-out activity
Notes: Enzymes
Macromolecule Quiz (use pamphlet)
HMWK: Read Toothpickase Lab
Thursday 10/24/19: Office Hours
Toothpickase Lab
Monday 10/28/19: Late Start
Indicator Lab
Wednesday 10/30/19: Bean Juice Lab
Monday 11/4/19: Write up lab
Lab due next class
Wednesday 11/6/19: Collect lab
Biochemistry Test
Friday 11/8/19: Discuss Cell Extra Credit
Cell chart - finish for homework
Wednesday 11/13/19: Recess Wednesday
Go over cell chart - check for accuracy
Disorders caused by cell organelles not functioning
Friday 11/15/19: Office Hours
Warm-up: Membrane
Cell Transport Notes
Video: How diffusion works
Video: How osmosis works
HMWK: Finish Virtual Lab if didn't in class
Tuesday 11/19/19: Collect homework
HMWK: Finish lab
Thursday 11/21/19: Office Hours
Turn in lab
Cell & Cell Transport Test
Monday 12/2/19: Late Start
Osmosis Inquiry Procedure Write-up
Wednesday 12/4/19: Osmosis Inquiry Lab
Friday 12/6/19: Office Hours
Intro to Photosynthesis Wkst.
Tuesday 12/10/19: Late Start
Photosynthesis/Cell Respiration Notes
Thursday 12/12/19: Virtual Lab Photosynthesis/Cell Respiration
Monday 12/16/19: Finals Review
Tuesday 12/