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Period 1 

Wednesday 8/15/17:  C Day

                                   Intro. to MVHS & Assembly

Thursday 8/16/17:  C Day

                               Go over syllabus (get signed)


                               Remind invite

Friday 8/17/18:  Notecard

                          Thinking like a Scientist

                          Lab Safety - Lab Guidelines (get signed)



Monday 8/20/17:  Fun Facts

                             Book Scavenger Hunt

                             HMWK:  Signed lab safety (guidelines)

                                           Signed syllabus

                                           Finish scavenger hunt

                                           NEED COMPOSITION BOOK

Tuesday 8/21/18:  Collect homework & signed forms

                              Warm-up:  Is it Alive?

                              Characteristics of Life Notes

                              Levels of Organization Powerpoint - notes


Wednesday 8/22/18:  Warm-up:  Overhead Review of Characteristics of Life

                                   Living or Non...That is the Question Activity

                                   Discuss specimens (powerpoint)

                                   HMWK:  Finish Living vs. Non activity if you didn't in class

                                                 Get forms signed if not done already

                                                 STILL NEED COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK FOR WARM-UPS

Thursday 8/23/18:  Office Hour Schedule

                               Collect signed forms

                               Discuss lab L/NL/D

                               Discuss scavenger hunt & mistakes/  Success in Bio

                               Seating Chart

                               Scientific Method Notes



Friday 8/24/18:  Office Hour Schedule

                          Scientific Method Activity - Gummi Bears & The Scientific Method

                          HMWK:  Finish Gummi Bear lab (due Monday)

                                        Study for quiz (next class) on characteristics of life, levels of organization & scientific method

Monday 8/27/18:  Late Start Schedule

                             Turn in lab & any signed forms

                             Warm-up:  Simpsons Scientific Method Review

                             Time to discuss as lab groups & study notes


Tuesday 8/28/18:  Quiz

                              Discuss homework (scavenger hunts, labs, etc.) & how to be successful

                              HMWK:  Study Microscope Parts (use R8 in the book)

Wednesday 8/29/18:  Recess Wednesday Schedule  


                                   Hand back & go over quiz

                                   Microscope Notes 

                                   HMWK:  Study Microscope parts

Thursday 8/30/18:(Ab) Office Hours Schedule

                                     Microscope Lab

                                      HMWK:  Finish lab if you didn't finish in class

                                                    Study for test tomorrow


Friday 8/31/18:(Ab) Office Hours Schedule 

                                Turn in Microscope Lab if you didn't yesterday

                                Chapter 1 Test

                                HMWK:  None

Tuesday 9/4/18:  Go over test

                            Ecology Intro. - work on in class and turn in

Wednesday 9/5/18:(Ab)  Collect homework

                                        Amoeba sisters video Biological Levels

                                        Intro. Murrieta Valley High School Ecological Survey

                                        HMWK:  Start reading Ch. 13

Thursday 9/6/18:  Hand back tests & go over

                             Discuss grades & how to be successful 

                             Warm-up - producer, consumer, food chains vs. food webs

                             Finish & turn in Ecological Survey

Friday 9/7/18:  Hand back warm-up from yesterday

                        Ecology Intro & get Ecology Packet - BRING TO CLASS EVERYDAY

                        Ch. 13 Notes - up to cycles


Monday 9/10/18:  Late Start Schedule

                             Ecosystem Video (on tv) w/ questions

                             HMWK:  Ch. 13 questions in packet


Tuesday 9/11/18:  Warm-up:  Chapter 13 Review w/ ecological pyramid

                              Amoeba sisters Video Food Webs

                              Cycle Jigsaw - (Intro. - get into expert groups & home groups)


Wednesday 9/12/18:  Finish Jigsaw (teach home group)

                              HMWK:  Study cycles for quiz:  Water & Carbon Cycles

                                                                                 Nitrogen & Phosphorus

                                            Make sure all questions for Ch. 13 are completed

Thursday 9/13/18:  Office Hours

                               Cycles Video on computer - add to notes

                               Biogeochemical Cycles Quiz


Friday 9/14/18:  Notes Ch. 14 

                          Work on Ch. 14 ?'s in packet

                          EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY:  Symbiosis- due Tuesday 9/18- NO LATE EXTRA CREDIT

                          HMWK:  Ch. 13 & 14 Questions should be completed in packet

                                         Read Ch. 13 & 14 to get ready for test next week

Monday 9/17/18:  Late Start 

                             Show videos of interactions

                             Discuss extra credit  & show what it should look like

                             Time to work on Ch. 14 Questions


Tuesday 9/18/18:  Barricade drill

                              Notes up to survivorship curves

                              Survivorship Curve Activity

                              HMWK:  Finish Ch. 14 Questions 

                                            Finish Survivorship Curve Activity if didn't in class

Wednesday 9/19/18:  Recess Wednesday


                                   Quizzes back & fix for more points

                                   Discuss Survivorship Curve Activity

                                   Finish notes Ch. 14 (logistic vs. exponential growth & carrying capacity)


Thursday 9/20/18:  Office Hours

                               Warm-up (powerpoint - limiting factors, density-dependent factors, succession, climax community)

                               Amoeba Sisters Video:  Ecological Succession

                               Chromebook - Predator-Prey Simulation Activity go to this website

                                HMWK:  Finish activity if you didn't during class

                                                 Study for ecology test next class

                                                 Make sure Ecology Packet is complete

                                                 DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR ECOLOGY PACKET NEXT CLASS!!

                                                 Warm-up book should be ready to checked 

Friday 9/21/18:  Collect Predator/Prey Activity & Ecology Packet

                          Ecology Test

Monday 9/24/18:  Complete tests

                             HMWK:  Introduction to Chemistry - due next class

Tuesday 9/25/18: Graphing Warm-up

                            Turn in homework

                           Notes to introduce chemistry (physical & chemical change)

Wednesday 9/26/18:    Discuss extra credit opportunity - Ecological Footprint - due October 5 - NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

                                     Tests back & discuss                                                                                                                                                                                        Atomic Structure Wkst. - 10 min. & go over (they put answers on board) 


Thursday 9/27/18:  Office Hours

                               Notes:  Compounds 

                               HMWK:  Naming Compounds Rules to Remember When Counting Atoms Page 1  Page 2


Friday 9/28/18:  Office Hours

                          Collect homework

                          Structure of the Atom Video - Ricochet Science

                          Understanding Atomic # & Mass - Ricochet Science

                          Warm-up - individually & as group (turn in for E.C.)


Monday 10/1/18:  Late Start & Rally

                             Collect homework

                             Discuss extra credit - due Friday

                             Go over quiz/group warm-up from last class

                             Notes:  Mixtures

                             HMWK:  Mixture Wkst.

Tuesday 10/2/18:  Video - Great Picnic Mix up Crash Course

                             Warm-up - Separating a Mixture

                             Notes:  Energy, Reactions, Bonding

                             Balancing Equations

Wednesday 10/3/18:  Balancing Equations

                                   HMWK:  Finish balancing equations

                                                 Bring warm-up books

                                                 Study for quiz/test next class - know molecular weight, counting atoms, drawing atom models, balancing

Thursday 10/4/18:   Turn in Warm-up books

                                    Basic Chemistry Quiz

                                    HMWK:  Ban DHMO


Friday 10/5/18:   Collect homework

                           Go over quiz & hand back

                           Discuss DHMO & show penn & teller DHMO video

                           Water Lab



Monday 10/8/18:   Water Review

Tuesday 10/9/18:  Collect homework

                              Discuss Basic Chemistry Quiz & hand back

                              Water Notes

Wednesday 10/10/18:  College & Career Kickoff (minimum day)

Thursday 10/11/18:  Office Hours

                                 Acid/Base Notes (powerpoint)

                                Crash Course Video:  Global Carbon Cycle

                                Our Acidifying Ocean - Work on Part 1 & Part 2

                                            Link:  Our Acidifying Ocean

                                                  or:  new link

                                 HMWK:  Finish Part 2 for homework

Friday 10/12/18:  Office Hours

                               Finish Our Acidifying Ocean Part 1, 2 & 3

Monday 10/15/18: Late Start

                              Discuss the lab results (powerpoint)

                              Organic Compounds Video - Part 1 w/ questions

                              Inorganic Quiz - put in warm-up book


                              HMWK:  Macromolecule Introduction


Tuesday 10/16/18:  Collect homework

                                Quick review questions

                                Macromolecule Notes

                                HMWK:  Make 4 flashcards (organic compound on one side & monomer that makes it up on other)

Wednesday 10/17/18:  Recess Wednesday

                                     Macromolecule Pamphlet due Wednesday 10/24/18- time with chromebooks 


Thursday 10/18/18:  Office Hours

                                 Macromolecule Video w/ questions  - turn in at end of period (use chromebooks)

                                 Macromolecule Pamphlet due Wednesday 10/24/18- time with chromebooks   

Friday 10/19/18:  Office Hours

                            Macromolecule Video Questions - work on for extra credit

                            Finish working on Macromolecule Pamphlet


Monday 10/22/18:  Late Start

                               Discuss pamphlet

                               Organic Compound (cut out) lab

Tuesday 10/23/18:  Organic Compound (cut out) lab

                                HMWK:  Finish lab

                                              Macromolecule Pamphlet due next class - can use on quiz

Wednesday 10/24/18:  Recess Wednesday

                                     Amoeba Sisters Biomolecules Video

                                     Molecules Gone Wild

                                     Quiz using pamphlet

Thursday 10/25/18:  Office Hours

                                 Enzyme notes

                                 Amoeba Sisters Enzyme Video

Friday 10/26/18:  Office Hours 

                            Enzyme Video

                            Enzyme Warm-up

                            Toothpickase Activity



Monday 10/29/18:  Finish Toothpickase Activity

                               HMWK:  Study for test - Biochemistry Review Sheet

Tuesday 10/30/18:  Toothpickase Warm-up

                                Time to study & ask questions from review sheet


Wednesday 10/31/18:  Biochemistry Test

                            HMWK:  Read Bean Juice Lab & do hypothesis (3 questions)

Thursday 11/1/18:  Discuss test

                               Bean Juice Lab

Monday 11/5/18:  Time to work on computers to write up Bean Juice Lab

Tuesday 11/6/18:  Cell Chart

Wednesday 11/7/18:  Cell Chart

Thursday 11/8/18:  Go over cell chart - notes

Friday 11/9/18:  Go over cell chart - notes

Tuesday 11/13/18: Peer Edit Bean Juice Lab

                              Discuss extra credit


Wednesday 11/14/18:  Cell Lab

Thursday 11/15/18:  Cell Lab

Friday 11/16/18:  Finish lab & discuss

Monday 11/26/18:  Late Start

                               Station Lab - Diffusion/Osmosis



Tuesday 11/27/18:  Notes  - Diffusion/Osmosis


Wednesday 11/28/18:  Recess Wednesday

                                    Diffusion/Osmosis Virtual Lab 


                                             Video:  How diffusion works


                                             Video:  How osmosis works

                                             Virtual Lab


Thursday 11/29/18:  Office Hours

                                  Work on Lab

Friday 11/30/18:  Office Hours

                            Discuss lab

                            Work on test questions

Monday 12/3/18:  Late Start

                             Review game for test

                             HMWK:  Study for test

Tuesday 12/4/18:  Cell & Cell Transport Test


Wednesday 12/5/18: Recess Wednesday

                                  Chapter 4 Questions in book

Thursday 12/6/18:  Office Hours

                               Photosynthesis & Cell Respiration Notes


Friday 12/7/18:  Office Hours

                          Finish Notes

                          Energy in the Cell Video 

                          Review Questions

Monday12/10/18:  Late Start

                              Photosynthesis Station Activity


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